Airplay across multiple broadcast domains

Airplay is great and “just works” if all of your devices are on the same network. But if your device and TV are on separate broadcast domains, e.g. different VLANs, they will

Modding payWave into my Casio F-91W

Having gotten use to contactless payments from my Apple Watch, I wanted to mod my Casio to do the same. My bank offers PayTag (from Gemalto), shrunken down versions of a normal credit

Adopting a 💩

Today I learnt that you can sponsor Unicode Characters, so of course I sponsored the “Pile of Poo” emoji, U+1F4A9. Unicode thanks Leo Xiong, our newest Bronze Sponsor! #UnicodeSponsor

Getting free internet with a dish antenna

We rented an apartment in Auckland CBD that overlooked the University of Auckland, Law School. I thought it’d b nice if we could save ourself $100 a month of broadband bills by